sign of trouble

美 [saɪn əv ˈtrʌbl]英 [saɪn ɒv ˈtrʌbl]
  • 麻烦的征兆;疾病的征兆;动乱的征兆
sign of troublesign of trouble
  1. Call the police at the first sign of trouble .


  2. At the first sign of trouble , the crowd melted away .


  3. Cutting school more than once in three months is a sign of trouble .


  4. running to him at the first sign of trouble .


  5. they don 't flow back at the first sign of trouble in the country .


  6. At the first sign of trouble , I 'll give you a signal .


  7. You tend to look the other way at the first sign of trouble .


  8. The first sign of trouble is the word " planet . "


  9. This rule makes you dump a guy at the first sign of trouble .


  10. The police had orders to intervene at the first sign of trouble .


  11. The first sign of trouble will be the scams .


  12. Bugged out on his partners at the first sign of trouble .


  13. S. , where many businesses slash staff at the earliest sign of trouble .


  14. For them , the first sign of trouble would be that the outside world had suddenly gone silent .


  15. It 's a problem if students want their parents to swoop in at any sign of trouble .


  16. Dropped at the first sign of trouble . They 're only as good as the world allows them to be .


  17. Investors seem to have become frightened , any sign of trouble will become the basis for their escape .


  18. " You don 't throw in the towel at the first sign of trouble ," he says .


  19. And at the first sign of trouble you ran away , leaving me to fend off a family of rats !


  20. Top executives were slow to appear in public to assuage customers ' fears at the first sign of trouble .


  21. Calling most functions inside a signal handler , such as free () or syslog (), is a major sign of trouble .


  22. Absent such rules , interbank markets are more likely to freeze or stampede at the first sign of trouble .


  23. This is the voice of those who at the slightest sign of trouble call for cheap money and plenty of it .


  24. They are not done , although with so many people suggesting that the momentum has swung to Dallas'side , that 's a sure sign of trouble .


  25. If you notice that customers are taking longer to pay their bills , it can be a sign of trouble collecting money , but it can also indicate revenue management .


  26. His main argument was that , at the slightest sign of trouble , depositors would rush in their millions from profit-making financial institutions into these narrow banks .


  27. This syslog chapter should make you more confident to learn more about these applications via experimentation because you 'll at least know where to look at the first sign of trouble .


  28. Rule # 56 : The first sign of trouble comes from the schedule or the cost curve . Engineers are the last to know they are in trouble . Engineers are born optimists .


  29. But if you 're laying off employees strictly as a cost-cutting measure , like many companies today , Wall Street will likely see it as a sign of trouble and send your stock down .


  30. But that belief is based more on speculative psychology than on solid evidence of stronger industry fundamentals . At the first sign of trouble , many of the banks ' new shareholders will be likely to bolt .
